SRE this week — 29 Oct 2022

Vikas Yadav
3 min readOct 29, 2022


I compile the best of the best things that I come across and share them in my LinkedIn posts.

This week we covered:

  1. Bash Script debugger plugin for Vscode
  2. Jhipster — Bootstrap a Spring Boot Application faster than ever
  3. Cookiecutter-Django — Bootstrap a Django project quickly
  4. Collection of Dockerfile examples

I write about the tools and tips related to Software Development and SRE regularly on my Linkedin profile. You can check out my profile here:

Vscode Bash Script Debugger

I didn’t know that debugging bash scripts can be as simple as this!

Checkout the bash-debug vscode plugin here:

It supports running a debugger just like any other programming language. So don’t unnecessarily echo things in your bash script — use the debugger instead!

#bash #vscode

Jhipster — Bootstrap a Spring Boot Application faster than ever

Bootstrapping a fully functional spring-boot-based application can’t get easier than this!

Create a data schema of your application and from that generate all the backend (spring-boot) + frontend (reactjs /vuejs) code. This makes bootstrapping spring projects so simple. You get all the best practices baked in plus tons of other features.

👉 Dockerfile + Kubernetes config + support for monitoring using Prometheus + tons of other amazing things.
👉 Fully functional frontend code (reactjs and vuejs are supported) + end-to-end UI test code.
👉 Integrate the DBMS and queuing system of your choice — all the bootstrapping code will be taken care of.

Try Jhipster. It drastically brings down the development time for a spring boot application.

It’s an elephant and I just can’t write enough about it. If your work even remotely involves spring boot — then try bootstrapping an application using Jhipster and you will learn a lot.

#jhipster #opensource #docker #kubernetes #java

Cookiecutter-Django — My favorite Django Project

This is by far — the best Django project I’ve ever come across!

Are you looking to quickly bootstrap a Django application that is ready for production and has:

-> Docker support using docker-compose for development and production
-> Async Jobs — with Celery + Redis
-> Email integration via Anymail
-> Unit tests and basic integration tests using pytest
-> User management using django-allauth
-> Automated API Documentation
-> Media Storage with S3 or Google cloud storage
-> 12 Factor-based settings via Django-environ
-> Sentry integration for error logging
-> Traefik with Letsencrypt support for deploying with HTTPS in production

and much more.

Try out cookiecutter-django

I’ve generated tons of projects using cookiecutter-django and I’ve also contributed features to it. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get better with Django or someone who knows Django well and is looking to bootstrap apps quickly.

Bookmark it if you found it useful and please share it with your connections who might like it.

#python #django #cookiecutter

Collection of Dockerfile Examples

Learning from examples is the best way to get better at writing Dockerfiles! 🔥

Here’s a timeless collection of some sample Dockerfiles for different scenarios. Although the code is fairly old — still the knowledge present in it is timeless.

Highly recommend it to someone who’s looking to get better at writing Dockerfiles or who’s getting started with docker.

#devops #sre



Vikas Yadav
Vikas Yadav

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